A success story continues with the in the mean time 29th History Station, which the Lions Club Dorsten-Hanse, together with the History Club of the Petrinum Grammar School have written in the last years.
Bruno Tomkowitz, since deceased, was very involved in standing up for the construction. His wife, Karin, together with the Mayor, revealed the work. From now on, those who are interested can find out in the usual way from the timeline, the most important facts about the way of life around the church "Marienkirche".
"It is the compromise between detailed and very short information, for which we have decided for the History Station, " explains Dr. Josef Ulfkötte, member of the Lions Club and teacher at the Petrinum Grammar School. "Hence, it must be exactly weighed up which information we put on to the restricted area of the board."
Translator's Note. The Source of the information is given as Dorsten, 17.08.2008, WAZ jfed
„Es ist der Mittelweg zwischen ausführlicher und ganz knapper Information, für den wir uns mit den Geschichtsstationen entschieden haben", erklärt Dr. Josef Ulfkotte, Mitglied im Lions Club und Lehrer am Gymnasium Petrinum. „So muss genau abgewogen werden, welche Informationen wir auf die begrenzte Fläche übernehmen."
Dorsten, 17.08.2008, WAZ jfed
um 890 |
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There is documentary proof of the settlements, "Durstina", north of the River Lippe. Later, the farmholdings of Wenge and and its neighbours Lune and Katenberg, as well as Hagenbeck-Holsterhausen arise in the fields of "Kleines and Großes Hohefeld". This area is the setting of violent clashe,s between the town of Dorsten and the Lords of Lembeck, several times, during the Middle Ages. | |
![]() Early Postcard of the Iron Foundry |
ab 1846 |
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The industrial development begins with the arrival of the cotton/calico company of Reischel and Evelt. Following that, e.g in 1873, Rive, Evelt and Jungeblodt establish the Iron Foundry and engineering works"Dorstener Eisengießerei und Maschinenfabrik", Lorey in 1875 a milling works and a sawmill. In 1883, Duesberg establishes a Chemicals Company and in 1887, the Carpet Concern of Stevens and Schürholz starts up its business. Further companies arrived in the 20th century, amongst them, Sender and Bolmerg. | |
The first municipal hospital is officially opened in Berlin ![]() The Railway Station Hervest-Dorsten | _ |
1874 |
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Hervest gets a connection on the train line between Hamburg and Amsterdam. From 1879, the tracks of the Duisburg-Oberhausen-Rheine train lines cross this line and from 1880 the train line Wanne-Winterwijk. Because it is an important train junction the Hervest-Dorsten train station has a positive effect on the development of the companies in the neighbourhood. |
![]() The School, "Marienschule" |
1890 |
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The district council of Hervest decides on the building of a further elementary school in the area known today as "Marienviertel", which will soon, however, become too small. Since 1907, the school pupils are at the school in Wenge (later: "Marienschule") | |
1910 |
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Following the consecration of the church, "Marienkirche", the Catholic part of the population gains its own place of worship, which has formed the centre of the "Marienviertel" quarter, ever since. | |
Black Friday at the New York Stock Exchange results in the Global Economic Crisis/Depression
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1929 |
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The voluntary fire brigade of Hervest "Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hervest" is able to use the new equipment house located at "Marienstraße . The fire brigade's operations are co-ordinated for the town from ths place, nowadays. |
1938 |
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The administration of the district council of Hervest-Dorsten moves into some of the buildings of the old Klapheck sawmill and today's town-hall started up here after 1950. Since that year, the classrooms of the school, "Marienschule" have also been used by the vocational college "Berufsschule". | |
1951 |
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The parsonage, "Pfarrheim St. Marien", built mostly from personal contributions, also has a hall with a stage and a kindergarten, next to the youth rooms. Following the exit of the Kindergarten and the renovation (1986) it also serves to uphold traditions (amongst which are the procession on St Martin's Day (Martinsumzug), Maypole traditions (Maibaum-Tradition) and "Schützenwesen". | |
The first telecommunications sattelite is started.
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ab 1960 |
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Structural Changes in the "Marienviertel" quarter. |
ab 1965 |
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- In the area "lüner Feld" and "am Katenberg", new housing estates are created, which lead to a clear increase in the population. | |
1988 |
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The associaton for Turkish employees in Dorsten "Türkische Arbeitsnehmerverein Dorsten" buys the previous post office building, built in 1916/1917, located at "am Holzplatz" and builds a mosque there. | |
The global population exceeds 6 thousand millions Marks (British English) (6 billion Marks (US English) ![]() Open-Air Swimming Pool | _ |
1999 |
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The renovation of the open-air swimming pool, opened in 1962, fails because of financial reasons and results in its closure. |
Eröffnung - 18. October 2008
Adresse - By the church "Marienkirche"
Geodaten - 51°40'33.8,6°58'28
The newest plaque at the location "Marienkirche" gives information about the histor of the "Marienviertel" quarter.
Immer wieder etwas Neues über die Stadt erfahren, begann der Bürgermeister seine Rede.
Before the "Packaging" was lifted, the Mayor "erste Bürger" (Translator's Note: It is assumed that the German phrase (literally translated as first citizen) refers to the Mayor), referred in remembrance to the initiative of Bruno Tomkowitz, since deceased, who had stood up for the construction.
The Mayor and Karin Tomkowitz reveal the new History Station at the church "Marienkirche".
Hence, the 29th edition in the Project of History Stations was celebratorily unveiled on Sunday at the church "Marienkirche" - dozens of guests watched the small ceremony that took place as part of the church fete.
The church "Marienkirche" with the History Station Plaque (Photo Reinhold Böcker 2014)