It was 1912 when the pilots in a powered flight competition were to make a stopover in a Dorstener Lippe loop. But the bad weather made this impossible. It was not until seven years later that the people of Dorsten were able to admire men in flying machines up close for the first time at the 1st Flugtag.
This is the oldest data that can be found on the latest history station, again realized by the Lions Club Dorsten-Hanse, the History AG of the Petrinum Gymnasium and the Association for Local and Local History. Location: of course at the Im Ovelgünne glider airfield, home of the Dorsten air sports club.
After the Second World War, an aircraft called "Beggar Student" was completed in Maria Lindenhof. In 1961, the air athletes put today's glider airfield into operation, at that time leased from the colliery. Flight days later took place there, with great success. The LSV Dorsten was also able to enjoy an ever-increasing membership growth, so that the association began to make the area more attractive 40 years ago. The airfield was leveled and the hangar expanded. In addition, the association built a leisure facility for the families of the pilots, including a pilot's retreat, swimming pool, playground, tennis court and camping site. A wood and metal workshop for aircraft repairs was added.
Facts and figures that are also immortalized on the history board, which is now the 40th in Dorsten.
1912 |
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The most spectacular competition of the large powered flight event at the airfield in Gelsenkirchen is the “long-distance flight” from Gelsenkirchen to Wesel on August 11th. Dorstener Sportfreunde organize a stopover on the site in the Lippeauen, which has been used as a racecourse since 1906, but which had to be canceled at short notice due to bad weather. | |
![]() Flight day Dorsten 1919 |
1919 |
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The first flight day takes place on the racetrack area in a loop of the Lippe with the field name "Kiwitt". | |
1931 |
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In times of high unemployment, some men decide to build a glider. The Dorsten air sports club was born from this initiative. | |
Peter Riedel flies the new distance record of 240 km from Darmstadt.
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nach 1933 |
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In the course of the National Socialist policy of equalization, the air sports club was dissolved. However, some club members remain connected to the sport of gliding and build three airplanes by the beginning of the Second World War, which they test in the Erler Heide and in the Borkenberge. |
1951 |
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The Allies lift the ban on flying, so that the Dorsten air sports club can be re-established. In their workshop in Maria Lindenhof, the members of the association build a two-seater glider (Mü 13E), which they christen after completion in 1953 the "Begging Student" and fly it in the Borkenberg mountains. | |
Ernst Günter Haase (Aachen) becomes world gliding champion in Leszno/Poland with the HKS 3.
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1957 - 1958 |
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The Fürst-Leopold colliery leases the area in the Lippeauen to the Dorsten air sports club, which has been working on the area for several years to turn it into an airfield. This work is very time-consuming because the old Lippe loop crosses the runway twice. In October 1958, the first launch attempts can be made. |
![]() Transporting the aircraft with a trailer |
1959 |
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The ceremonial inauguration of the glider airfield takes place during a flight day in May. For the time being, flight operations are made even more difficult by the necessary transport of the aircraft from the hangar in Maria Lindenhof to the airfield. The workshop is still located there. | |
1962 |
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Als Gastverein kann der Essener Verein für Segelflug den Dorstener Flugplatz nutzen. Fünf Jahre später ist auch der LSV Velbert zu Gast. | |
![]() Flugplatz 1970 vor der Erweiterung |
1963 |
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Mit der Errichtung des Hangars (30 x 15 m) entfällt der Transport der Segelflugzeuge zum Flugplatz. | |
Hans-Werner Grosse fliegt in einem Segelflugzeug 1.460 km von Lübeck nach Biarritz. ![]() Dorstener Flugtag 1986 | _ |
1972 - 1984 |
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Unter der Regie des damaligen Vorsitzenden Albert Stewing entstehen am Flugplatz für die Familien der Vereinsmitglieder mehrere Freizeiteinrichtungen (Fliegerklause, Schwimmbad, Spielplatz, Tennisplatz, Campingplatz). In dieser Zeit wird zudem der Flugplatz auf die Breite von 120 m erweitert und der Hangar auf 50 m verlängert. Die Verlegung der Werkstatt an den Flugplatz erleichtert notwendige Reparaturarbeiten erheblich. |
2009 |
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Der Vorsitzende Jürgen Salamon erwirbt das Gelände und stellt es dem Luftsportverein zeit seines Bestehens pachtfrei zur Verfügung. | |
2015 |
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Auf dem elf Hektar großen Flugplatzgelände sind 25 Segelflugzeuge stationiert, von denen sieben dem Luftsportverein gehören. Der Flugplatz verfügt über zwei separate Start- und Landebahnen für den Segelflug, für Motorsegler und für Ultraleichtflugzeuge. |
Eröffnung - 20. Juni 2015
Adresse - Im Ovelgünne 20, 46282 Dorsten
Geodaten - 51° 39′ 42.8 06° 58′ 45.58
v.l.n.r. Heinz Kleine-Vossbeck, Franz-Josef Nelskamp, Tobias Stockhoff
Bei der Enthüllung der Info-Tafel am Sonntag herrschte zwar kein bestes Segelflugwetter, aber die Gäste wollten bei Snacks und Getränken, serviert vom benachbarten Airbase-Diner, sowieso am Boden bleiben. Mittendrin: das Ehepaar Gertrud und Albert Stewing sowie Vertreter der Familie Salamon. „Deren Unterstützung macht das Segelfliegen in Dorsten erst möglich“, betonte Bürgermeister Tobias Stockhoff.
LSV-Vorstandssprecher Heinz Kleine-Vossbeck, trotz seines hohen Alters immer noch regelmäßig in der Luft unterwegs, gab einen interessanten Abriss der 84-jährigen Historie des Luftsportvereins. Von den ersten Flugzeugbau-Aktivitäten Anfang der 1930er-Jahre über die Gründung einer Segelflieger-Ortsgruppe in Dorsten.
(Bericht: Dorstener Zeitung von Michael Klein)